Rutland Water

Not a good day yesterday, the planned Scotland trip for Mrs PR and myself is off, our host has tested positive for Covid and not feeling too well, and various tech issues with the car, that were ghost issues due to interrupted software updates over the air, yesterday was a very frustrating day.

I was looking forward to potentially seeing an osprey or two over the lochs, along with other Highland sights, so someone suggested Rutland Water, they have resident ospreys.

Good idea, and I was wondering if anyone here has been, or a regular visitor, who can offer any info, advice, tips etc.

Thanks in advance.

  • PimperneBloke said:

    Sorry to hear of the leg issues still troubling you Mike, I looked though all my info, we visited in January, and my pics were so poor I don't think I even did a post, so I'm of no help at all!

    Many thanks for looking PB, every little bit helps, and I appreciate that you took the trouble to look.

    No one promised a fast healing process and the initial prognosis wasn't good, but I take my hat of to the medics and NHS who try their hardest. If anything, I feel for my practice nurse, she had the baptism of fire, but has pulled out the stops, and still does.

    I shall get to Rutland, but forthcoming holiday plans, not just mine, but those supporting me along with bank holidays etc, have necessitated a short-term modified care program.

  • By the way I went to Rutland on Thursday, and had a great time.

    It is a great place to go, the paths are great for wheelchair/scooters, and all the hides that I went to (which was most of them!) had ramps, not steps, and spaces in the hides for wheelchairs, or outside, if you would rather leave it outside and sit on a bench inside.

    Ospreys wise, the person in the centre said there were around 30 nesting pairs around the nature reserve! I had 5 sightings of the ospreys, although they were all fairly distant.

    I also got my first look at a cuckoo, and, in total, saw over 50 species!

    I would say get there early though (it opens at 9 I believe) as it is a large nature reserve, unless you are staying for a couple of days, as there is little chance of getting to all of the hides in a single day if you get there later.



  • Many thanks for the update Benji, and 50 species is a good count.

    Most places work hard to ensure there are no or reduced accessibility issues, and often there is a  facility or two for wheelchair users to get close to the window in hides.

    Things have been a bit busy here, Saturday I had to make a trip to N Wales, so took a detour to Conwy which was only a mile down the road.

  • Hi Mike, we went last year in mid May. We visited to the hides associated with the Lyndon Visitor Centre: