RSPB Films from the past at the now long gone RSPB Annual Film Shows!

 As  posted a few of these films before and many many decades ago there used to be the Annual RSPB Film Shows every year with 3 new full feature length films that premiered in London every year. But sadly no more. And then the 3 new films where shown all over the UK. Above are  4 of these these films that  where shown over the many decades including one from the early 1960s. Some of these files where often after 1 year shown in full on BBC TV.

the 4 films in the links above in order are as follows!

A Place For Birds!

Round Robin!

The Cormcrake and the Croft!

The Corncrake and the Croft was jointly produced by the RSPB  and BBC TV.



  • Hi Anthony , I was one of the keen YOC ers , or young oiks from Biggleswade who spent a lot of time at the Lodge in your era , very fond memories !  

                          We were filmed at Wicken Fen as part of " Adventure Has Wings " . I have a copy on DVD from the film unit but they sadly couldnt find the sound tape , 

                           narrated by Ed Stewart , any ideas ? Also , very interested in the film you are making though now in Dorset where i appeared in the latest remake of 

                          Far from the Madding Crowd , being the seasoned pro that I am !! Slight smile

                                                                                                                                               Kind Regards Carl Taylor 


    Above rspb fillm about golden eagles from the rspb film shows in the 1980’s



  • Hi Carl

    Seriously great to hear from you, especially clearly from such a talented actor!

    The RSPB have let me have a copy of "Adventure Has Wings" for use in the film I am making about the RSPB Film Unit 1953 to 1989 and it has a full sound track.  Unfortunately being digitised in the only way available from an ex RSPB Film Hire Library print I haven't yet been able to decide whether  it is up to the standard of other films to be included in my film.

    Very sadly Alan McGregor, the exceptionally talented cameraman on that film, died very young from a stroke.  I have a photo of him with two of the "actors" in that film.   Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to attach it to this reply but if you would like to send your email address to me at I will happily send it to you.

    I have agreed with the RSPB that I will not send copies of their films to other people (even major cast members!) until I have a licencing agreement in place.

    However Shannon Hall, who is the RSPB's Video Assets Coordinator, has always been very helpful to me and I suggest you ask her at

    Let me know if she can't help.

    Those were great days at the RSPB all those years ago when we seemed to be much like a relatively small "family" of people working to protect wild birds and "Bringing Birds to People", which is the working title of my film.   

    All best wishes and many thanks again for getting in touch, Carl.
