I now have a cunning plan. Part two.

Hi All Birders,

   Things are moving rapidly with my bird box project. Many thanks to the Gardenbirder, Mike B and Seaman for some fantastic feedback and great ideas. Thank you also to the Gardenbirder who posted about some squirrel proof plates which I can buy. Just need the funds now.

   In fact I have had an email from the Beavers (thank you Mike B and Seaman). Not sure if they are the older or younger scout section, as I was B.B., offering help. I am very conscious of working at heights and would not ask any of them to go up a ladder. I have to find out how high one would have to be before a safety harness is needed. I have tree over 100 foot. More help needed.

   For those that are interested I have had a meeting with a volunteer who has offered to make the boxes. He has come up with a couple of great ideas. One about the access for cleaning (anti squirrel) and he has suggested, which I had not thought of, that using offcuts to make the boxes would be more economical. After all the size will make using offcuts a massive help.

Great idea as companies like B&Q are always looking for ways to promote and advertise their green credentials.

   More news soon.

Kind regards,



  • Hi Gardenbirder,
    No apologies needed as I am enjoying the working the dictionary into the night looking up strange words and meanings.
    It was no help. As for draughty skirts I do not have any knowledge. Outside the weekends that is.

  • Glad to hear it Ann! "Hook-ter ..tuek-ter " there ye go ...very simple lol...A dont even own a kilt as am no a heuchter-teuchter lol.. and with these winds the day there would be nae skirt safe to wear without it ended up over your head lol

    Sorry Hooky..we shall let you get back to your task in hand ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Is that you wearing the skirts at the weekends Hooky? Lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • See what that Linda has started! Read the two words as follows Hoochter, choochter [pronounce the CH not as in CHurch but as in LoCH] hope this helps. No, I do not have a kilt but Mr CL has the full outfit, kilt, sporran, jackets, shirts, [different ones for whatever the occasion] bow tie, socks, flashes, shoes, sgian dubh [pronounced skeeandue] and other little things to have with the highland outfit. Neither do I wear skirts much, too windy!
    Sorry Hooky, we will get back to your thread now!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • My bad...sorry och it was a laugh...no hid wan a them in ages lol
    " let the wind blow high let the wind blow low
    Through the streets in ma kilt al go"
    Sing along lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks, everyone, very entertaining--Robbo, your tales reminded me of that telly show with that incomprehensible Scottish actor playing a constantly drunk, incomprehensible Glaswegian---what was it called? The actor was from Glasgow, wasn't he? No idea what he was saying, but still funny to watch.
    Thanks for the pronunciation guide, Catlady and Linda, but I fear I am too old to learn a new language, not to mention that the Ospreys are returning so my spare time is declining (yes, I am one of those folks, loved by or despised by many, but hey ho, such is life). Was rubbish at languages when I was a teenager, although I can still remember a few phrases of the two I did study for a short time, and I can just about do the 'ch' sound, also used in German. The first German phrase on offer was "Es ist heiss Heute, Tante Inge"--not a lot of everyday use for that and never had an Aunt Inge, either, although I could have used it in the heat waves of recent years, minus the Tante Inge, of course, and climate change increases my chances to use it, unfortunately. French was not the other language--I only know one sentence in French and that is not fit for polite society...learnt it on a field trip, so I leave it to your imagination.
    Still not birdboxes, sorry Hooky...but Ospreys do sometimes use human-made nest platforms as well as building their own nests; will that suffice?--Lol!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Hi All,

      I trust I find all the readers as well as can be expected. My Barton Bird Box project has made the front cover of our local magazine.

    Best regards,


  • Great news. The first box has an occupant. Onwards and upwards!

  • Well done, great to hear the1st occupants have taken up residence, hope many more follow.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.