Sunrises and Sunsets 2022: share your photos here

After what could probably be deemed as a challenging year, not just from a Covid perspective, but the inclement weather and lack of sun that many of us have experienced, 2021 did deliver a good selection of sunrise and sunset photos, with a big thank you to all that contributed, no matter how big or small that contribution was.

For those who want to look back to Sunrises and Sunsets 2021: share your photos here thread, use the link below:

If you have any outstanding sunrises or sunsets from 2021, please do feel free to add them to the 2021 thread, any sunrises and sunsets for 2022 can be added here.

I was lucky to get a sunset to end my selection for 2021 on New Years Eve, and I managed to grab a sunrise this morning to kick start this years thread.

A New Day, A New Dawn, A New Year. 

  • Billysdad said:
    That's a crackin' shot Bob. I love the starkness of the main tree set of by the wonderful colours in the sky.

    Cheers, best time of year for tree silhouettes and we have some beautiful trees about.

  • All taken yesterday morning on my stomp around nascent Longwater Road nature reserve to see progress on restoration of ex-quarry.

    In photo below, this area is more or less fully restored. The channel of water was dug about three months ago to plumb this part of the reserve into a culvert that runs under the Longwater road. In reality, this channel reinstates the flow of the old Colebrook cut/stream which used to drain the farm that used to be here. Water will drain from Moor Green Lakes nature reserve in the west, through the Manor farm part of the future Longwater Road nature reserve, passing through the culvert to the (fully restored) Fleet Hill farm part of the reserve.

    75m south from the above photo, this is a view southeast ward from a footpath entrance - actually the Blackwater Valley footpath. This area will become marshy wetlands.

    There were quite a few flocks of Canada geese flying westward along the Blackwater river from their roosts on Moor Green Lakes nature reserve and Horseshoe lakes activity centre to their feeding grounds out west.  Quite a few Egyptian geese and Greylag geese would do same.

    A nice flight of Canada geese flying westward, passing over a vehicle track on nascent reserve. Where I am standing will become marsh/wet lands.  If you are visiting the area do not enter the site. I have special permission from Cemex to do so.

    Flight of geese get closer.  Unfortunately, I had a small, ancient Samsung compact bridge camera with no view finder. It was difficult to track the birds as they flew closer, and remaining shots were out of focus.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • As another year drew to a close, we've seen many spectacular sunrises and sunsets from 2022, and I thank everyone for their participation, no matter how small or how great.

    The end of 2022 for me, was a bit grisly to say the least, but I did manage to grab some sunset photos to end my year of photographing nature and all that supports it, and the sun is a very vital part no matter what.

    So to end, the last sunset of 2022 was 29th December, and it was no less colourful or spectacular.

    I will be posting a link shortly to the 2023 thread, in the interim, thank you all for your contributions and we look forward to seeing your sunrise and sunset photos for 2023.

    UPDATE: The link to the 2023 thread is HERE, or "Sunrises and Sunsets 2023: Share your photos here...."


    looking forward to your sunrise and sunset photos for 2023 in the new thread HERE, or "Sunrises and Sunsets 2023: Share your photos here...."