Lone Retired Birder Concerns

Now I am semi retired I have more time for birding. Having worked in a busy environment for many years I quite like, when I can, to get out around the local rural area on my own. I can do things at my own pace, stop look and listen when I like. But, as I am on my own (and without a dog) I find that I can get many strange looks and comments. What with todays society as it is, a lone man on his own must be up to no good. I beginning to feel concerned about going out on my own.

Anyone have advice on how I can continue my lone birding?

  • Just a thought...
    I understand your concerns, I wonder if perhaps it might be worth you contacting your local birding group,
    to in the first instance meet other like minded folk, and discover if they have some tips for you to be able to feel more confident, when being about on your own, and suggest areas .


  • Hi
    Thanks for your reply. I will bring up the subject next time I'm at a RSPB meet. I like to go from my back door around a few fields and local footpaths and study what is local.
  • Hello Lone Birder and welcome to the community. It's a shame when folk jump to the wrong conclusions when they see a person on their own (particularly a man) that maybe stopping for a while observing wildlife around them, I'm afraid it is that sort of age we now appear to live in which is sad when everyone is tarred with the suspicious brush.
    A month ago I was with my husband photographing butterflies on the edge of a very large field; fifteen minutes later a lady (farm owner) came traipsing across the huge expanse to check on what we were doing as she considered we were standing there too long !! I would have thought the camera would have given away what we were doing there but we had a friendly chat with her (we were not trespassing as there we were on a public footpath) and she was ok with us. She said they had had poachers who go after the wild hares (especially at night) and set traps so she came to make sure this elderly couple (us) were not doing the same !!! it was midday and I didn't think we looked out of place with camera ha ha .
    So, I would suggest, just carry on enjoying your birding and wildlife spotting, you are doing no harm and to heck with what people think !!


    Regards, Hazel