New to this Community

Trying to find my way around this forum, quite a hard one to work out so am testing it out. Did other people find it hard to find there way around. Have been visiting Fen Drayton Lakes recently, great place to go seen Short Eared Owl and Kestrel most days recent.y
  • Hello Tina and let me be the first to welcome you to the forum. I am up in Caithness at the very top of Scotland. We are a great lot, mad most of the time, but you will find that out as you go along. Lots of clever folk here with help in anything that you may want to ask. Lots of lovely photos and stories to follow. In answer to your question, it is a bit daunting to get around this site, but hopefully you will find it okay. It has changed from when I first came on here, 2 years ago. Look forward to any photos etc. From my neck of the woods many of the RSBB places are too far away, but I follow what everyone has been doing on here. Enjoy.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • hi i'm new here i love all wildlife especially birds,  they come to my window to feed and i love to see them as i'm disabled and cannot always get out and about.

  • Thank you, we love Scotland, and often head up there in our motorhome, tend to head up the West side, but there are some lovely fishing villages more on the East coast.

  • It is great to see the birds up close, we are lucky in that we live near a RSPB nature reserve, and see quite a few birds, Kestrel, Heron, Egret and Short Eared Owl, I have posted a photo of the owl, will try and put some others on at some point.

  • Hello Rita and welcome. Please read my welcome to Tina, for you also.

    It is very windy up here today, had to put extra pegs in the washing. Not many birds about today, think they are sheltering.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Hi Catlady, thank you for the welcome, now getting the hang of how to use this. I usually look on my ipad, and there doesn't seem to be the reply option, now realise that if I come to my laptop I can reply.

  • Yep, I'm getting a bit lost on here too. Only joined today but I hope to see more of your pics and artwork, they're stunning!

  • Hi Gaynorsl. Here is another Bempton Cliffs photo from July 2014. This time it's a Fulmar. I have other photos mainly of gannet formations flying. The guillemots, razorbills and puffins are all so small it's difficult to capture them!

  • Hello Anna and welcome from me.

    Tina, that is a beautiful photos of the Owl and your painting is Georgeous. You should be able to use your iPad, I do almost all of the time. Have you made sure that you have signed in on the site? You can just view but would not be able to reply if not signed on. Also if you look at the top right, on some threads, you have to press the Join Thread to reply. Just some thoughts.

    Neil, also lovely pictures you have there.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • It is a bit of a minefield.  However if you go to the top of this page and click on Community Home the top 'thread' if that is the right word says How To Struggling.... which you may find worth reading.  

    Thanks for your comments on my pics to you, Jenny and Gaynor.