Hello Folks! Flowers not only decorate our meadows, our woodlands, our roadsides with splashes of colour, but they also provide food and shelter for a whole host of insects. We have only to look at UK flowers to appreciate their beauty, their scent, their diversity.Each Monday for 12 weeks I will be posting a little teaser for you. Without looking in books or on the internet (i.e - no cheating), see if you can identify the UK flower. On Wednesday, so as long as no-one has guessed it, I will post one clue. On Friday I will post the answer along with some additional information for your interest.Keep a note of each species, as I will be asking which is the odd one out at the end of the quiz.MYSTERY FLOWER QUIZ#12Forgive my blotched lower lip, I'm a hemiparasite!
I quite fancied the Yellow Rattle becausev it cropped up in some surveys we did but could not fit it in with the clues
Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can
Clue: I am usually very illuminating.
Please am I allowed to cheat 'cos I have one vague idea for it which I had to research ever so slightly LOL !!
Regards, Hazel
Like Hazy I've had to cheat by doing some research because I was literally clueless.
I've found one which seems to fit both clues fairly well. My only reservation is that the name doesn't contain the name of a creature which has been the theme of all the others.
I won't say what I think it might be in case there's someone who may know without cheating. I'm probably wrong anyway.
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Don't forget there is an odd one out!
I'm going to call you Mrs T(ease) from now on. I thought I knew already which was the odd one out - but then again maybe not.
Come on then TJ! What have you come up with as I'm clueless too! Lol!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
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Well, I'll give a cryptic clue to MY answer which may not be correct anyway.
"A singular reversal of Art's most well known song"
Well, thanks TJ, but I'm afraid I'm still stumped!! Do you mean Art Garfunkel?
LOL. No comment.