Hello Folks,Here's something for all you fans of our feathered friends. Each friday for 12 weeks, I will be posting a little teaser for you. Without looking in books or on the internet (i.e - no cheating), see if you can identify this bird. The following Monday, so as long as no-one has guessed it, I will post one clue. The day after I will post the answer along with some additional information for your interest. Here goes ....MYSTERY BIRD #3You won't find me on Savile Row with my beak!
But which one ?there seems to be several kinds.
Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can
ok must admit I have had a run round and I will go for long billed tailor bird
i'M thinking Mrs T has been going for raraties
a good laugh is better than a tonic
Well not knowing anything about the 'tailor bird' and not wanting to cheat by looking it up I have to throw the towel in now I think!!...
Good afternoon quiz fans! Here is the answer provided by MrsT!
Well done to all of you (Barnsley Lad?) who guessed Long-billed tailorbird (Artisornis moreaui).
Found in parts of the East Usamabar plateau in Tanzania, Long-billed tailorbirds are threatened by habitat change and fragmentation. Found near open forest edge habitats, the global number for this species is estimated at around 249 individuals.
Long-billed tailorbirds are highly elusive and given their small number, it is no surprise that not a great deal is known about them. Long-billed tailorbirds like dense foliage in which to search for invertebrates.
Keep an eye out for your next mystery bird.
Warden Intern at Otmoor.
Hold my hands up I did get a list of tailor birds at the end
Unknown said: Hold my hands up I did get a list of tailor birds at the end