Here in wildlife enquiries we often receive feathers in the mail from people wanting them identified. We thought it would be an interesting topic for a little quiz. So below you will find five pictures of feathers from four species of British bird, see if you can identify who they belong to. We'll give you the weekend to work it out and let you know the answers next week. Apologies in advance for the quality of the pictures!
Warden Intern at Otmoor.
Bonus points if you can say which part of the birds body these feathers come from!
Hi Ian
I saw this when you first posted it but identifying the feathers was too hard for me.
My best guess is that the first one could be a tawny owl wing feather
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Too hard Ian x
Can you lot at HQ identify them easily? It looks like a very hard job to me
Pipit :)
Hi Woodpecker
Thanks for having a go! I won't let on just yet whether you are right or wrong but good guess! Is anyone else brave enough to have a go i wonder?
I wouldn't say we can identify them easily but some have very distinctive patterns and forms and many can be identified by size and colour. Owl feathers for example are really soft, a key mechanism to assist with silent flight.
Many of the people that have kindly sent them in for identification have rough ideas as to what they belonged to as well which does help! In emergencies we can resort to our trusty Tracks and Signs field guide!
Not sure but I do know the last one as I sent a similar one as a quiz all I will say is game bird.
Guess at 1 female sparrow hawk or kestral 3 Buzzard
I know Im rubbish
a good laugh is better than a tonic
Ian H said: I wouldn't say we can identify them easily but some have very distinctive patterns and forms and many can be identified by size and colour. Owl feathers for example are really soft, a key mechanism to assist with silent flight. Many of the people that have kindly sent them in for identification have rough ideas as to what they belonged to as well which does help! In emergencies we can resort to our trusty Tracks and Signs field guide!
Thank you for that. :-)
OK, i'll give you all nudge in the right direction,
The feathers belong to a game bird, a wader, a woodland bird and an owl! Not neccessarily in that order!
hen pheasant.
Pheasant, Tawney owl, Gadwell and Female Chaffinch.....but not in that order ( I aint gotta clue really)
Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!
I spelling's crap !!