Crossword clue quiz

I'm not much good at writing crossword clues, but maybe you can work out some of these birds

Most of them are UK birds

1. It eats whats in its name

2. Look up to the sky and you see…, +ling on the end

3. This bird sounds like a bee, followed by hard without the h

4. when you are ill you sneeze and might…

5. A type of machinery that lifts things really high

6. Its green and eats ants

7. This bird is royalty and likes fishing

8. This bird is meant to be silent, but still looks beautiful

9. This bird has the characteristic of a dog, and the …. piper links

10. It’s always out of breath!

I have a couple more, and will put them back on here when (and if) these are all worked out



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  • Great Benji, have had a quick look, got a few, will come back another time once I have had time to have a good look and think, working tomorrow, so it will probably be Saturday. Look forward to getting the brain cells going!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Have had a go but might need some help …
    1. Do oystercatchers ever eat actual oysters? Do spotted flycatchers eat spotted flies? I’m going for bee-eater, then.
    2. All I can see tonight are clouds. There’s barely a murmur out there.
    3. Just want to be absolutely certain that the bee is flying forwards. Prey tell
    4. … end up with a red nose?
    5. Space shuttle, Have to crane your neck, though
    6. Green antsucker?
    7. Camilla? Oh, I’m rubbish “atthis“.
    8. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Moot point, this wan.
    9. This one sounds tough. But I am off to the dog and duck for inspiration so I’d best take a massive scarf.
    10. Red throated diver? Shag? Ring-necked duck? Nah … I got nuffin’

  • Add on to 1
    1. And you might see it on your birdfeeder



  • HERE'S my effort on your quiz Benji ............think I have 8 out of 10;  still working on numbers 4 and 8

    Hope the link works and no peeking other forumates !!    for Benji's eyes only 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Do coal tits eat coal? Etc. But I will put some nuts out and see what happens
  • Don't leave your nuts out overnight IM, they'll freeze solid!
  • I'm afraid it doesn't seem to work for me



  • Sorry, try THIS LINK !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Yes, that's worked, I will tell you which ones you got correct in a minute



  • All of your answers are correct!



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