Anagrams et al

Tried to put a few quick anagram clues together plus a couple of cryptic clues for you to answer.        Only rule is that you can't (or rather shouldn't) use an anagram solver of any sort to help   LOL

The words in italics are the letters to be reshuffled to name a bird which can be  from anywhere around the world !  

1)       Would be such a laugh to see this bird perched on our oak bark     (10)

2)       Cat filched prey ?    (4, 10)

3)       Bollyood script:    Cue drunkard in Inn   (6, 6, 4)

4)       Nice to see this cold place west    (10, 3)

5)       teenager welding  goes quackers    (5, 6, 4)

6)      These canine parts make up a sea-bird  7, 4)

7)       Americans call it an  Apple hoarder    (3, 9)

8)      Dear Sweetheart   …..(6, 8)

and the non-anagrams but purely cryptic clues .................

9)      Pretty certain ? that someone is playing a prank   (5, 4)

10)   Type of bread from Manila ?    (10, 5)



Regards, Hazel