does not look like the red wings are going to show today but not many birds around in garden today at all prehaps because it is sunny and they have ate all the half made bread pudding that i promised to make hubby but aleast they got me introduce to this site same as a few othrs in the last couple days enjoyable site listening to people experince with nature
Hi bev, lovely and sunny here this morning also. Just wondering if anyone could post a few pictures of Redwings as i carnt seem to find any good ones and not sure what i should be looking for, Thankyou in advance ;)...
If it aint broken, dont fix it !.... all good things come to those who wait !
this is the one that id my redwing with not got any photo;s yet as no good with the camera i said every one seems to have seen about 5 or six i said a can image loads of red wing flying in the air like the red devils and the flight leiutenant saying red wings cadets we will be notice it the gardens of britain this year and putting 6 birds in new gardens every day
lol hope this pic helps where you from
Here's a couple I took in November last year:
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Oh, I saw a Redwing yesterday whilst walking the dog. I wondered what it was, at first i thought it was a thrush but knew it wasn't because of the red flash under the wings. I have never seen one before, and as a relatively new bird watcher i was excited! Thanks for confirming my identification! Em
Hi Marjus
Great pictures of the Redwing, MarJus
You have got him with his beak wide open too.
Em Hi, and welcome to the RSPB Forum
Glad to hear of your experiences of Redwings too - great sighting for you.
Kathy and Dave
Nicki C said: You have got him with his beak wide open too.
Thanks Kathy, and a berry just visible going down his throat!
emmapb said: Oh, I saw a Redwing yesterday whilst walking the dog. I wondered what it was, at first i thought it was a thrush but knew it wasn't because of the red flash under the wings. I have never seen one before, and as a relatively new bird watcher i was excited! Thanks for confirming my identification! Em
I am a new visitor to the Forum today and I too have seen Redwings in my garden for the first time. They have appeared on the same day as their friends the Fieldfares. Nothing new for months and then four new visitors to the back garden (which is quite enclosed) in 24 hours: woodpecker, pied wagtail, 4+ fieldfares and 2+ redwings.
For the last week I've been blessed with a flock of Red Wings coming in after the last of the Hawthorn berries. Not easy to approach though, must figure a way as I would love more photo's.
“A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”
What a fantastic picture Snaphappy. You must be a professionsl photographer of note.
Hi Snaphappy
As you can see I made it onto here. Seems quite quick to me.
Thanks for the introduction.
Steve Ransome