What is wrong with my suet?

It started a year ago when I hung up the first 'tube' it was attached by starling and blackbirds who ate two tubes one after the other. The third one was only half used!

This year when the RSPB offered energy tubes at special rates I quickly ordered quite a few ready for the winter ~ but non of my birds likes them at all. They just ignore them, well the odd bird has a half heated nibble but nothing more.

I also ordered some of the buggy nibbles and they have shared the same fate, not interested!

While this has all been going on the last of the individually sealed round suet cake from last year has all also been shunned.

My birds won't eat suet, which is crazy.

Is last years cake now stale and the birds know it? But what about the new RSPB suet products what can be the reason that cold and starving birds won't give it a look!


  • Unknown said:

    Just come on to say Hello Woodpecker.

    I like your jackdaws Sparrow. We see them here and I am sure we can spare some for Woodpecker.


    Hi Brenda H and thanks for the thought. I could offer swaps :-)


    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Woodpecker and welcome from me also.

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Woodpecker said:

    I'm also impressed with your heavy duty bird pole. I was looking at this in my local garden centre recently. Mine isn't heavy duty like this and the pigeons have made it wobbly. I would like to replace mine but OH would have a fit

    Hi Woodpecker,

    My hubby also had a fit, but he caved in, I bought it, and he erected it for me. That was another story. The place I chose was sadly on gravel covering 4 inches of concrete. He kindly got out his drill and pick axe and tried his best to drill and break through the concrete, He was at it for ages, then said it was impossible, so I picked another place, which is also gravel but on what used to be a lawn, so job much easier, but pole not really ideally placed. It is, however, in full view of the kitchen window, and even he stands watching the birds occasionally. It is excellent, it withstands the wind, pigeons, jackdaws and starlings, and is taller than most of the others I have seen, so the hangers are high enough not to tempt my dog. I just wish it were a bit closer to some bushes and cover, so I have placed several shrub tubs underneath.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • I love the little house attached to the tree.  Think I might try and create one like that to use in my garden.

  • Hi Jude,

    It's actually a dead tree trunk. My hubby flattened the top and built the table and roof, using logs from another dead tree trunk for the roof supports. It's quite high up - the fence behind it is about 7 feet. I stand on a rustic bench to reach it.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Squirrel B said:

    Hi Woodpecker and welcome from me also.

    Hi Squirrel, Sorry I must have missed your welcome post.

    What a lovely pic of a little red squirrel ahhh :-)


    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Get Wilkos wild berry (red) suet.. The birds will eat it from the ground as quick as you put it out.. I have Blackbirds, Robins, Chaffinch, blue tits, great tits. Even a Woodpecker, and a Jay occasionally come in for it.
    They also enjoy Wilko insect suet pellets.. But I would go for the wild berry.