from first timer-- just joined. and decided to get involved since the arrival yesterday of a fieldfare on our lawn.
it`s eatingas much apple as we can push at it, and is keeping other smaller birds away but has met it`s match with a thrush that is also hungry.
we also have greater spotted woodpeckers and kingfishers on the stream behind the house - and into thehouse once thro an open window
Question;- will the fieldfare stay for long and is it likely to be joined by another
yours Jonah
Welcome to the forums and congratulations on your Fieldfare - to both of you!
I haven't had that pleasure yet, although had 2 Redwings for all of 10 minutes the other day.
I'd imagine if there's a food source readily available that they like, you may see them until the bad weather clears up, or until they join a flock somewhere.