thanks to waxwing squirrel lucybob for your replies plus more about mapies and blackbirds too !

while it is awful when the magpies attack, we have to rememeber that mother nature is cruel, and whether it's lions attacking a zebra or whatever it is all to do with the rhythm of life on this planet, and don't forget the most dangerous .violent and wiping out species expert is we humans. looking at the bigger picture helps me to "cope" with this side of nature. i have had blackbirds come to my garden as long as the magpies and have been lucky in that have never seen attacks between the two types of bird, but to make sure what about putting up a nesting box with a hole the right size for blackbirds and therefore to small for magpies the local cats or anyone else who might try to get into the nest. it maynot be easy to get the blackbirds to accept your "des res" that you have given to them  but it can be done and be a successful ploy to defeat the magpies and not have to hurt them either, 

All the animals have so much to teach us if we will only listen with an open mind

  • Hello again - my Magpies held down the Jackdaws in the brook in the garden this year in an attempted to kill them presumably as no doubt the Jackdaws wanted to get to the Magpies nest - as you say natures ways - so again we just went out and shouted and all was peace again!  My poor old Blackbirds had more to contend with during the breeding season bobbing and weaving around the Sparrowhawks which in turn were looking for a meal for their young - so glad I like jacket potato for my dinner! 

  • Hi starshine

    No problem about the other post.

    I have watched "my" birds feed from the feeders for many years and those that nest in the tree are regulars.  I have also watched their offspring so I think you'll forgive me for being a little bit overly protective of them. Yes I do have the sparrowhawk that pays a visit but he is quiet and quick, so you don't really hear him coming, I have no gripe about the magpie only their numbers that come in at once.  But hey as you say it is nature and we must learn to live with it :)  

    To be honest I've always avoided the nestbox a because I really have no where in the garden that I could hang one safely away from cats, as I have one and so do the neighbours and the thought of them sitting under a nestbox waiting for the birds to leave fills me with even more horror!

    As you like magpies you should look at a slightly older post called "surprise capture" which shows the difference between the UK and Australian magpie, some lovely photos and some very funny posts from members.

    Best wishes :D