Best Place to "Chat"?

Hi fellow uses of this site. Is the best place to talk to people here on the forum or on their individual pages? Should be most grateful for some answers.


Bye for now


  • Hello.

    To be honest I'm not really sure, Sacha.  I didn't know until I read this thread that you could talk to people on their individual pages.  I'd imagine the best place to talk to people would be their individual pages.



    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Gets to be a one-way conversation on 'My Page', unfortunately.  People can leave comments, but to reply you have to go to their 'My Page' and leave a comment.

    Smiles, Jan.

  • Read somewhere else on the forums that they're thinking of adding a more personal real-time 'chat' or private chat facility, but there are pros and cons about doing such a thing. Also, someone had the idea of a 'chat' forum for non-wildlife specific chat. Be interesting to see what develops!

    Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games [Robert Falcon Scott]