This Phesant has been in my garden for 2 hours, is not afraid.
I am concerned as daylight is fading, what should I do?
Can anyone advise
Hello Lalitya. Do you live in the country? They are normally escapees from an estate. We live in the country and have had pheasants coming, have a lovely male at the moment. We feed him mixed grain and have a water bowl for him. Is there a male about?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
No, live on an estate, no male around. Everything I go to the backdoor it comes right up to me.
Will it be OK?
Hi, unsure where it would have come from, they will fly. You can feed her but you may not want her to get tame and be in your property. You could google and see if there is a rescue place that would collect her? She may well fly off, the same as she appeared.