Guillemot in central London

Hello, we found a guillemot on a pavement in central London (Blackfriars) today, clearly tired, maybe injured, that couldn’t fly. It was rescued safely by local vet and Essex wildlife hospital . We were wondering how did it end there, considering they live by the cliffs… did it get lost? Did it swim up the Thames?

Anyone has any idea? Thanks!

  • It's an unusual place to find a Guillemot, but remember that they do fly considerable distances at sea, so it's not physically impossible. Your comment on the Thames being a potential gateway into London for a marine bird like this seems likely, to me.

  • Hi

    it's been blowing hard from various directions for a few days  and there are big numbers of seabirds coming up channel

    Auks and Gannets do turn up inland at this time of year

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