Hedge removed with nesting birds

My neighbours removed my hedge without permission and  with nesting birds. I can see several offences 'theft' my hedge has gone 'wilful destruction of property' That said Police consider the hedge going a civil matter. I'm covered for legal expenses so the civil part is covered. What's this country coming to when laws ment to protect life and property are dismissed. Life being both human and protected wildlife. 

  • So very annoying & disappointing that you did not have the backing of Wildlife Protection Officer in this matter Rob ... a heinous crime in my book but unfortunately happens all too often, have witnessed the same disregard for wildlife & nesting sites in the chalk quarry where I live ... being labelled as 'wierd' for wanting to protect all manner of wildlife over peoples desires for over-sanitised  gardens notably concrete & plastic lawns!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • We are not weird to want to protect wildlife, keep the faith the fight to protect wildlife must go on, it must.  As Steve Irwin, the renowned Australian wildlife expert and conservationist said. We don't own the planet Earth, we belong to it. And we must share it with our wildlife.”

  • Can only hope that more folk get the message before it's too late!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr