Hi everyone, this is my first time posting and looking for advice.
I am awaiting a conifer being felled but I keep delaying the contractor as i think there are Woodies nesting. I see the bird fly in and out but not very regular, so are they just using it for shade/roost etc? Activity seems to be confined to morning and evening but not every day.I know they can nest all year round, which makes me nervous about giving the go ahead to fell.
What behaviour would I see, how often and for how long, if there was an active nest?
Thank you for reading.
Have you seen a bird fly in with sticks to make a nest? Have just read on a couple of different sites that they can nest for up to 11 months of the year ... there are exceptions to wildlife laws about interfering with nesting birds say, for example, if the tree is dangerous to leave at great height!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Thanks for your response.
I haven't seen them with sticks or any nest building material. I've even cut a couple of lower branches off to see inside, but conifers are so dense it's impossible!
If only I had a thermal imaging camera lol
Certainly would answer your question!