Grey/white/black Heron-like bird, short legs, mostly retracted neck. Thought it might be a Black-Crowned night Heron?

Hello from a new member!

We spotted this Heron-like bird at too great a distance to view in detail. It had a light breat, dark grey wings, hints of orange/yellow about the throat and a black crest(? too far away to be sure) on the top of its head.Thinking its motionless stance was that of a Heron, we wondered, upon seeing it walk, about its short legs and "dumpy" walk-gait - certainly not the customary heron's stride - we joked that it was possibly more akin to a penguin, from such a distance. Its neck remained retracted until it started to walk then it protracted and retracted as it walked and we could see the longer neck. After researching, we thought it might be a Black-Crowned Night Heron, but in Perthshire, Scotland? Perhaps someone has a view on this? Sadly, we only had phones and images were usless