nesting blue tits - where are they?

Hi everyone, I’m new here. I’ve had blue tits nesting in my wall. They have been very busy the last few days with both coming and going every few minutes, getting food & going back to the nest site. 

But now - nothing, no movement from either male or female in the last 3 days. would their be chicks laid or both parents abandoned the site? I haven’t seen any chicks coming out.


  • Hi Dawn, if the parents have been going in and out with food, then they will have been feeding their young. They can leave the nest quite quickly. Sometimes, the parents will coax them out if they are stubborn to leave, especially if most have left and some are still in the box. If you have not heard them and have not seen them come out, it could be that they have hopefully fledged. If you have trees and shrubs about, look and see if you see them flittering about, again sometimes they will not be long there an move on. The other possibility is that the nest may not have been successful. Sadly, this year, lots have posted that the young have died. A lack of natural food source seems to be a problem, with no caterpillars and such that they would feed the young. Another thing can be the nest is predated by other birds.Hopefully yours have fledged okay and you may see them about.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Hi, thanks for replying.

    we do have trees which we normally see them fly in from there, but have not seen the adults come and feed at all. My neighbour has seen magpies on the pipes trying to get to the hole, but even she hasn’t seen the birds, as she has a good view from her garden.

    I do hope they’ve all fledged, but wouldn’t the adults still come to use bird feed from my garden?

  • If magpies have been about, they could well have been at the nest, and possibly that is why the parents have disappeared as well,  not that the magpies have had them as well but they are keeping away.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.