Some beautiful little blue tit fledglings came to my juliette balcony to the feeder on Monday. There were two - three buzzing round the courtyard and chirping loudly.
They were last in a tree in the courtyard on Monday evening and I have not seen them since. I am fearing the worst and praying they are ok. There's a local cat a few streets away and a magpie that hangs around so I'm hoping they are safe.
How likely is it that they have moved on to another area? They visited my feeder a few days with parents that day.
Also I have a scruffy little blue tit visiting my feeder every 2-5 minutes. I assume they are feeding the young and have a big nest? Is this safe- I have put out peanut butter and suet balls which they love. I've tried leaving fruit and water out but they don't touch it so I'm worried about the babies dehydrating.
Young birds are more likely to drown than drink. I often read advice about leaving water out for young birds, but no idea what science is being used for that advice. Young birds like blue tits get their fluids from caterpillars etc. Insects and caterpillars are what young blue tits need.