Great Tits in the pink

Our Great Tit has roosted in this box all over winter and has now built a nest and laid I think 5 eggs.  What made us smile yesterday was that she brought in some additional nesting material in the form of what we think is pink mohair.  It must have been appreciated by her mate because today she has brought in another ball of pink mohair and placed it on the opposite side of the nest.  I know Magpies, Jays and Jackdaws have a liking for colourful and glittering objects for their nests but never thought Great Tits had an eye for bright colours.  We have contacted neighbours and we think the pink mohair came from some wool that one neighbour had been sorting through but she can't understand how the Great Tit acquired it?  All very amusing and colourful and maybe it is an indication that she expects her brood to be all females Womans clothes.
