Can fledglings fly upwards to fledge?

We have blue tits that regularly nest in our bird box. However, this year they have nested in our electricity box. We do not need to go in it, but can the babies get out? 

The hole is in the top of the box, so can the babies get to the hole to fledge? 

is there anything I can do to help them? 

  • Well they have to fly up to the hole in a conventional nestbox presumably by copying the parents and responding to their calls & bribery with food at fledging time so the same could happen in your electricity box albeit a longer looking distance to the hole ... I can only suggest that you keep watch to see if, by their actions, the parents seem distressed at all or anxious that the youngsters should come out ... but remember that you should not interfere  unless the chicks are ready to fledge but can't get out ... contact this organisation for expert advice ...


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr