Can anyone recommend the best tree collar to buy to protect nesting birds? Two new cats next door have spied a bird box in our garden and sit looking up as birds fly in an out with nesting materials. It's the first time the box has been used and we are upset that any harm might come to its occupants. The choice on Amazon is bewildering.
This info from about smells cats hate ... was wondering if you could make up a simple spray with lemon juice & water to use on the trunk & maybe have some herbs in pots around the base?
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Do you have any holly or access to gorse or something similar that you could use to create a barrier around the base along with creating a scent barrier - or go to nearest zoo and blag some lion or tiger uses bedding
Cin J
Thank you so much for your advice. I will def buy pots of herbs and have them around base of tree. And yes I have a plant spray which I can use on bark tho' in Scotland it rains so much, not sure how long it will stay pungent! Many thx.
I didn't think of that thank you. Yes I can def snip some holly from front garden and create a barrier that way. I might even gaffer tape some holly as far up bark as I can manage. Fingers crossed! Those poor little birds have been working so hard.... :-(
Do let us know how things go ... other folk will be pleased to hear if your defences work!