Big Garden Bird Watch 2024

Just completed the BGBW again. And as usual despite all the food that's put out the birds seem to know it's "survey time" and they stay away !

My usual mob of small birds didn't appear, just one each of Robin and one Blue Tit, 2 Great Tits.

There are usually a little gang of Long tailed Tits, about 6 or 8, at least half a dozen Great and Blue Tits at anyone time during the day.

But the usually turned up Magpies by the dozen, Wood Pigeons, Parakeets and Feral Pigeons hoovering up the food.

Still it all counts, even if the Parkeetes and Magpies even though I think l they are too many of them.

David T

  • Hello David, welcome to the forum. You had a fine variety of birds. Parakeets and Magpies! There seems to be a few different posts with folks bird counts on them this year.

    Out of interest where about are you based?

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Could be an abundance of food due to the survey. Time of day could also be a factor?
  • I would say this year has been as good a year as any re counting different species. I don't know the set up you have, but in weather like we've had, I recommend popping outside, at least once. Relying totally on seeing something to then identify makes it harder. I don't put bird food out, so don't run the risk of frightening birds off of feeders etc. Obviously, I didn't count the birds I heard then saw flying over, but some of those in the garden wouldn't have been seen and counted if I hadn't gone outside and heard them first.
  • Sent in my BGBW results and was informed that the number spotted was quite a bit less than the national average. I’ve seen 32 different species of birds in my garden over the years and visitors regularly comment on the number and variety of birds using the feeders. I do expect numbers to be lower at this time of the year so I’m never surprised at the low figures I return to the count (9 species and 16 birds in total this year). What does surprise me is how much lower than the national average is. I wonder how scientific it can be if some of us are doing this in largish gardens like mine while others may have tiny gardens or no garden at all. Then there are those who do the survey in parks or other open spaces where they are likely to see larger numbers and have the advantage of spotting at greater distances. Maybe I’m missing something?
  • That is all undoubtedly true. The main aims of the survey, are participation and raising profile and funds. Clearly, there are other aims, incl 'trends'. Trends obviously require the same criteria as prev. so like for like comparisons can be made as best as they can. Many people, compared to when the survey started, have no gardens, or small ones. Far more people are using hanging feeders & larger varieties of food than back then.....etc etc.

    There are other more 'survey' based counts that you may be interested in. I'm doing the local one, which takes about 8 weeks from end of Dec. I'm also doing the weekly BTO one which can be done every week of every year. Those better reflect number of species as they aren't time dependant, weather dependant etc etc.
  • Similar here! Completed on Sunday. Monday flocks of them returned. Sunday was wet and windy, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it
  • Hi Catlady
    Sorry for the delay in replying.
    I live between Footscray and Swanley in Kent.