birds and rats?

I live in social housing in Northumberland, on the coast. I put up my bird table as I had done in my last place. Only 4 years ago I returned to the UK after 50 years in Canada. I had a lot to learn about British birds and obviously rats as well! weeks after I moved in a rat was spotted in the garden and all fingers pointed at my bird feeder. No one else had the same treatment. I was told by management to  remove it and did a lot of research on how to deter rats and feed birds. I got a rat/squirrel/jackdaw proof feeder which is amazing. This last Spring and summer I have had so many visits  by little birds, song birds etc. A wonderful show. Nothing large could feed from the feeder and I found that pigeons, robins and dunnocks  would come down and clean up any spillage - and there never was a lot on the ground. Late  August we had a lot of rain and once again I was faced with "an infestation of rats"  and "rats are coming up to people in daylight" . I don't believe any of it because so many other residents have not seen this infestation. We have people  around me that are terrified of rats and cats etc!! So my feeder had to go again - indefinitely . What made it worse was a rat catcher came in to our large communal garden and put down poison rat traps- something I am dead opposed to.

Our property is in a rural setting, with large wild areas and a tidal river on one side and a fish and chip shop on another side. Myself and another bird feeding friend  put in a complaint which was escalated. We asked 6 questions that we needed to be answered before we would comply, but nothing came back.  No-one has answered  them , nobody came to see my feeding set up or asked me why it works to absolutely minimize a rat problem. Now we are almost into our 3rd month and there has been to communication with us. Have we got rats around us? You bet - I see them round the harbour, our garden provides a safe route from the wilderness to the chip shop!!!They are always going to be around.

I have read comments here about taking feeders down for 2 weeks, cleaning up the ground etc. But 2 months?

Has anyone any suggestions ? Are there other things that I can do? I just want to get to do what I love to do and I feel that I can't because of nonsensical reasons. These people make no sense whatsoever. HELP!! 

  • I will say this again. I hope no one gets rats in their home as I have Rats can gnaw through plaster and gnaw through electric cable and that very dangerous, as that can cause fires. As soon as I get any rats into my garden I phone up pest control straight away. No sentiment as some have with all wildlife. Also Rats can spread disease etc. I won’t get sentimental at all. Again as I’ve mentioned most wildlife conservation organisations in the UK have had to deal with this problem. I would rather have cats in my garden and not rats. I’ve said this many times before in other threads and I’m sorry to say this again! But I will always seem to have to repeat myself! Also Rats can breed very profusely and can get out of control very fast and if that happens there are big problems with the number of rats you could have in your garden or your home! Also I will stop feeding wild birds if this happens I bring my birdfeeders etc and disinfect. Also if anyone complains to the local authority, the local authority will look into this if necessary and can take legal action, if necessary, even if it’s your own home? Legally they can do this as it could be an environmental problem! Also it dosnt matter where you live as Rats can breed very fast with large numbers in urban or rural area’s!




    This link shows how easy it is for Rats getting to anyone’s home. And sometimes they will get in to anyone’s home and the damage and also the danger can cause fires in anyone’s home! This article in the link mentions live traps. Live traps are no good. It’s no good just releasing rats or mice in to your garden as those released rats or Iice will just return to the same place in your home. If catching Rats or Mice in a live trap, you will need to release those Rats or Mice approx 3-5 mikes away from where they were inside your home. As again those Rats or Mice will return to where they were inside your home.



  • Unfortunately some locations aren’t ideal for putting bird food out. It is possible yours is one of those.
  • I have voluntarily stopped feeding birds and hedgehogs in my garden due to expanding rat population, not just for me but all neighbouring properties too so, although I am sad about it, some definite action needed to be taken!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr