White crowned sparrows

Hello over the weekend I had a family of white crowned sparrows on my feeders and on the grass. I have never seen them before, they are beautiful. does anybody else see these?

  • Hi-

    the chance of them all being White Crowned sparrows is so small as to be almost impossible :)

    Those online ID functions arent really that good :)

    A photo no mtter how bad will solve it- also your 'long tailed' comment fits Long Tailed tits as does the time of year , family party size and habits mentioned :)


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • The description sounds like like long tailed tits. Whilst white crowned sparrows do occur in the UK, they are really rare vagrants (one or two each year) and seeing a 'family' of them would be almost beyond the scope of possibility.