Hello, newbie here

Hi everyone Raising hand, I just joined because I love my garden birds and wanted to connect with like minded people.

I also wanted to ask if anyone knows anywhere I can donate some nearly new bird feeders that I have. Two are metal saucer feeders and one is a polished metal six port feeder. The local charity shops don't want them. I have had to rethink our feeders to try and deter squirrels and wood pigeons as we only have a small garden and the squirrels and big birds are scaring our regular small birds away.

We get goldfinch, great and blue tits, long tailed tits, nuthatch, blackbirds called Frank and Betty, a regular tame robin called Millie, who has been recovering from an infected eye, sparrows, collared doves. 

We have had the good fortune to watch Frank and Betty nest and raise young in our clematis and last year Millie Robin nested and raised young in our other clematis. 

I have limited mobility and am at home a lot and our garden birds are a joy to watch as they prospect, feed, bathe and raise chicks.