White-Tailed Eagle spotted in North Norfolk?

Hi.  I have just joined after having seen what I think was a white-tailed eagle flying casually just off the shore of a small seaside town on the North Norfolk coast, really to find out how likely that is and, if not, what else it might have been:  I am here on holiday from South Suffolk where I am very accustomed to seeing gulls, buzzards, heron, geese, swans, cormorants etc.  I am a casual birder at best but was extremely fortunate to sail from Finland to Sweden a few years ago, seeing literally dozens of white-tailed eagles over the many islands en route.  These were all soaring and so seen mainly from below whereas I caught a level rear view, yesterday evening, from the cliff top here, of a large (significantly bigger than a gull), dark bird flying slowly out over the sea, maybe 60 feet up, straight and level.  At about 16.30 today, from the same vantage point and in bright sunshine, I saw a similar bird flying much nearer and parallel to the cliff and was able to see clearly its broad wing, chestnut brown colouring and white tail.  It was a only a two second glimpse though before buildings blocked my view and I didn't have binoculars or a camera ready.  So - a white-tailed eagle just cruising serenely over Sheringham beach?  (Polite) responses welcomed.  Thank you.  P.S. I don't drink and was wearing my distance glasses :-)