Bee taken over bird box from Blue Tits


My Blue Tits have been a bit unlucky so far this year, first one sadly died in the box when the nest was almost complete.  I removed it and after a week a new pair took over the box and have just about completed the nest.  However, a large brown coloured bee has taken up residence in the box and seems to have scared off the Blue Tits but it remains to be seen if they put up a fight and evict the bee.  I have never witnessed this before, wasps have sometimes taken over boxes but usually after the box has been vacated by the birds.  This bee is quite large, brown and seems to have a black spot on its back.  I am inclined to think it may be a Tree Bee.  The only camera photo I have is a bit blurred but it is shown below.  I am in two minds whether to evict it or let it take the box over and given that I have other unused boxes in  the garden I am inclined to let Mrs Bumble have the box.

I would be interested to know if anyone can identify the bee, is this an unusual occurrence and would you agree that I should just let nature take its course and let it become a bee box.  I must admit it would be fascinating to watch the progress of a bee hive.  Here is the photo, if I get better ones I will post them but at present the only ones I have are from the auto shots taken when there is movement in the box,


  • So sorry to hear about your blue tits. Sad when this happens.

    Tree bumblebees love a bird box. We had some move in temporarily to one of ours for a couple of weeks, a few years back. You could hear a gentle hum from the box and see them hovering outside the entrance. As soon as they came, they then went. Fingers crossed they will vacate soon and you might get some more feathery visitors.
  • None of our boxes have been used this year. There's a small amount of nesting material in one, but they've not visited either box in over a week. Looks like no action this year - like two years ago.
  • Dear Zo
    Many thanks for all that information. I decided not to move the box but just let nature take its course. When I read all that it makes you realise that we don't realise or appreciate what is going on around us in the insect world and just how fragile their existence is. Interestingly, a Queen wasp has made an appearance in the box but seems to have left before any confrontation with the Tree Bumblebee.
