Blackbird fledgling


I am new to the forum .  I am worrying over a tiny wet fledgling that is out in the open in my garden.  It was on my door step so I had to handle it to move it before my cat made a lunge towards it. My cat is an indoor cat, but has been known to escape! I have many other cats, Magpies, Jackdaws, Crows visit the garden so it is at risk, it is constantly calling to parents which I have seen, they have come up to the baby with worms but not fed it, and flown off!  No sign of them for a about 45mins and I can hear it now and it is upsetting me as I am helpless as I know we shouldn't intervene with young wildlife.  I put mealworms nearby, but it doesn't seem interested.  I shall buy some soft dried fruit to soak for if it is still there in the morning, maybe I can find some worms as well.  Any advice is very much appreciated.

Thank you Quirky Cat