Hi all! I have just joined to ask a gulls nest removal question.

I have a family member who has asked if I can assist in removing a seagulls nest from their roof, lucky me for being the only one with a ladder large enough to reach! I do not mind doing this as the nest is causing damp related problems through the roof itself, and they have concerns over the issues getting worse as time goes on. The nest is large, and well established, it was on the roof when they moved in 6 months ago, but at the time it was unused so they just thought it was a redundant one. Now they are worried as they have seen gulls taking an interest in the nest.

So my question(s) are, can I just remove the nest if for instance if it is empty (no eggs or chicks), is there a time of the year where I am not allowed to remove a nest? Do I have to gain permission from an authority before removing the nest?

Thank you all for any advice you might have, And just to be clear, I am not in favour of removing any nests, but in the circumstances (damage being caused to the property) I feel it is the right approach in this case.
