Luckily I don’t have HS2 in my area but for anyone who does here I doubt they like the idea or even think it’s good for Wildlife I have found a map in case your interested and any discussions on the topic or any storys of HS2 where they are, are welcome,hs2-network
. You can share any updated news you find aswell
Even though HS2 didn’t have much publicity it would seem its receiving abit more now
or rather that Stand for trees is trying to give it more publicity and do something about it
I don't need reminding about NHS cuts, my GP Surgery is struggling to get the dressings required to heal my leg. That's not just the dressings that have been used, but also alternatives are not available.
Add to that, the cleansing fluid that is currently vital to the wound care is not available, likewise alternatives....
My practice nurse has worked very hard, and only just managed to get things under some form of control, and the risk is without the required dressings etc, it will go backwards. Add to that, it doesn't take much to send it backwards.
Flickr: Peak Rambler
Thats sounds very frustrating. I dont know what things like NHS cuts are or cost of liveing are cause Of my learning disability. I have speacial help from Mum who is a NHS Nurse or from a helper or support worker when it comes to things like handling money so I dont understand how to pay bills or pay for things in the household like electricity or other things in a household. My Mum or a helper who understands it pays for things I wouldn’t be able to myself. cuts and other things it says wernt the main reason I sent it and I didn’t know. Stand for trees is hopeing the next Prime minister will stop HS2 which will help tackle Climate Change and the environment since there destroying Anchient woodland and also doing construction on or near Protected areas like AONBs
I very much doubt the next, or any future prime minister will halt the progress, or the drastic leaching of public money that HS2 is sucking up. It's too far in progress and any stopping now would just render the countryside and surrounding areas a disastrous mess.
Add to that, no prime minister would stop HS2, for if they did, then their popularity as PM within their own party would be severely impacted, and most likely result in their term as PM being drastically shortened.
Even the sweeteners for Phases 2 & 3 that have been removed have not been very well received.
Also, with all the investment placed in HS2, from many very rich people, some of whom are Tory party sponsors, for the Conservative government to suddenly halt HS2, then they could see their funds seriously impacted, and not forgetting, many government and ex-MP's also have a big financial interest.
So stopping HS2 would not be a good political move.
Add to that it has created jobs (even though similar jobs could be utilised in improving the current infrastructure), so I would guess many voters would not want to see HS2 stop.
It really is all about the money, and nothing else.
Here’s an interview from Chris Packham related to HS2
Chris Packham is on the Autism Soectrum like me aswell
he isn’t happy with HS2 either
he’s questioned on HS2 from 34 minutes 52 seconds
news on HS2 this year
Thats interesting news. Thanks for sharing. I thought id see if there was any other news about that but I only managed to find one or 2 updates on it acording to crowd justice this is what happened next July 7th 2022