Invertebrates in the garden this afternoon

I havnt had a good few days  recently . And birdwatching wise havnt been able to get out and about. I havnt bren out much this week due to something personal going on 

I been mainly in the Garden. If any of my messages ever sound repeatative sometimes or if I don’t pick up on some social cues very well I apologise. Im on the autistic spectrum. So can happen. it’s not something I do on purpose. Im makeing lots of mistakes. 
apart from that I did manage to go out in the garden. 
And it was very sunny I even had a hoverfly Hover abouve my head. I would of sent this on insect 2022 but I don’t think it’s a good idea  I don’t know if animation  is defiantly ok too or if it’s just photos  so have just made a post for now. 
I hope you enjoy the photos I took. 


  • as for the Skommer holiday that was going to happen in June unforunatly iv been told its now incertain and my support worker needs to wait until my holiday in another comtry is aranged so that they know how much money I got left. 

    the Holiday in a different country a very absurd situation has ocured where there unable to find a hotel with 2 bedrooms on the Greek islands so there now going theoufh all the greek islands imcluding the spamish islands trying to find any with the right acompdatiom so that I cam choose from those cause the one i chose didnt have any hotels with 2 seperate bedrooms oddly enough so its abit like playing that game where you toss a dice and see if its heads or tails or playing a video game where you have to wait and see whre it lamds on which could be anywhere.

    so things arnt looking very good but they know what islands iv chosen. the prefered options were Chios, Lesvos, samos, Kos but no luck, the spanish islands will be the last resort if theu cant fimd any on the greek islands im hoping my luck improves cause my luck isnt there at the moment if they cant find any acomodation for me I wont be able to go even though I got the money 

    as for the other holidays luck is abit better I got the holiday with my parents in July and I got a holiday with my support wprkers in Aufusr anf and alao 2 exstea holidays my parents wernt able to go on bit cause i got wnoufh money my support workers will be giving them some of my money cause they have my permision so that me amd my family can go and i can take alot of money with me to do things i wouldnt be able to orherwose I also have a homidah in September or October 

  • I hope the comments on the previous page and the one on this page  its not too long but if it is sorry if too long but I hope tou. manage to rwad it anyway. if you do thanks for your pariance alot has changed and happened since the last time I commented.

  • Hopefully you will get your plans sorted soon Zo. I am able to post photos, but others are having problems, if you have had no sucess since the update, maybe wait until  we get (if we get) notice from RSPB, that all our requests can and have been fixed!!!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Catlady said:

    Hopefully you will get your plans sorted soon Zo. I am able to post photos, but others are having problems, if you have had no sucess since the update, maybe wait until  we get (if we get) notice from RSPB, that all our requests can and have been fixed!!!

    I havnt made any new threads for a month.

    the last time I made a post and posted was 19th February.

    I havnt made a post and tryed it put for a long time I didnt try again and post during  the second update where it changed the voting icons and the numbers caise not only am I not sure if it will work but if it just so happens to work by chance it doesnt mesn its solved cause  it does re ocur

    I didmt want the RSPB to asume its automaticaly means the problom has been solved and its finaly been (pernamently) fixed just like that and that the photo problom shouldnt come up again now otherwise they wont get the problom fixed (permanently) so that  it doesnt re ocur and keep re ocuring if you get what im saying 

    if it just so happens to work it doesnt mean the eror has bern fixed. the eror has a mind of its own. I can be able to post for a couple of weeks or a month or something then get an eror out of nowhere one  day and not be able to post any photos all day  for a couple of days. the longest has been a week. it happens every year but most commonly when iv been away on a day trip or on holiday which is problomstic cause I got lots of holidays and it will be fustraiting to find i cant post yet again 

    for this reason I wanted the RSPB to fix it first and get comfirmation weather its been fixed or not before posting 

    I also didnt post cause I wasnt as active caude I needed  time to process things and changes were still being discussed and taking place at the time aswell 

  • also you did recomend holding off on the posting since they had the problom written down so that is also another reason so I thought I should take your advice. and with that thanks for your advice then aswell. 

    Iv added a screenshot while the RSPB are offline to show everyone something strange which was a sucesss but this doesnt mean the eror is fixed cause it is a re ocuring problom. as for making (actual forum thread posts im still not sure about that yet cause I still havnt  had comfirmation from the RSPB on if they have solved it or not. it seems  a better idea than just makimg one and hoping for the best otherwise its more like leaveing it to fate 

    as for the plans yes hopefuly it does work out although its hard to say about thr holiday to a different country at the moment. I havnt wildlife watched in a different country before so its super important to me. but theres more certainty with the other holidays 

  • not to be a neusance but is the RSPB up to something potentially? 


    I clicked on the pen to see what it was cause looked like a edit icon and it came up with a black side that came put from the right with writing that said administrator for some strange reason which I wasnt exspecting its  very absurd. obviously its not meant to be there 

  • If you wish to delete a post you have made then that side box comes into view after you select delete and asks if you wish to delete so you have to confirm delete on there ... try it!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • it comes out like this but when you click on it it says acess blocked

  • Did you attempt to delete one of your own posts ... you don't have to follow it through?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • no I didnt atempt to deleate one of my posts. I dont even have to click on anything the pen is allways there and its only apeared there today. its allways in the corner now its not triggered by a certain action or anything like that to be there 

    but if you click on thr pen it comes out with that in the screenshot saying administator. and if you click on that then it says acess denied