Invertebrates in the garden this afternoon

I havnt had a good few days  recently . And birdwatching wise havnt been able to get out and about. I havnt bren out much this week due to something personal going on 

I been mainly in the Garden. If any of my messages ever sound repeatative sometimes or if I don’t pick up on some social cues very well I apologise. Im on the autistic spectrum. So can happen. it’s not something I do on purpose. Im makeing lots of mistakes. 
apart from that I did manage to go out in the garden. 
And it was very sunny I even had a hoverfly Hover abouve my head. I would of sent this on insect 2022 but I don’t think it’s a good idea  I don’t know if animation  is defiantly ok too or if it’s just photos  so have just made a post for now. 
I hope you enjoy the photos I took. 


  • Yes she doesn’t want to get rid of it entirely but only use it when she needs it. I was tempted to tell them what she said when we drop her back it felt like if they knew they might be able to look into it. But I wasn’t sure if she kept it to herself until Mum asked or if they already knew and that that’s why they cut in before we left. So I didn’t say anything but it doesnt seem to be helping her anymore like she said otherwise she would of made some progress by now. Apparently how she did it was that she was going to cross the road and she stuck her leg out then a car came but that’s all she can remember. 

    It’s quiet funny that I’m saying this when Iv been to East Anglia and Brighton in June and July only 2 or 3 months ago and been to Lulworth cove and Brownsea in Dorset  and then  up north to the Midlands and it’s it’s only been 5 or 6 days since I been on holiday but I’m going on holiday to the south coast near Romney, Strait of Dover and I’m going to stay for the night  at my Auntys this weekend and we will be walking across the beach. 

    Joke: I just need one one of my family members to move to Scotland then we’re good and I can look out for the golden eagle Or maybe Spain if they don’t mind Il just have a word with them and see 

  • Hello Mike. I hope you have been ok. How have you been?
  • Theres talk about chopping the tree down that’s next to my bird table with a chainsaw in the garden only half of it cause there fed up of picking up all the leafs every year and there’s so many. And moveing the feeders onto the other tree that is even though it’s a real one doesn’t provide as much cover and is ornamental The tree there thinking of cutting down is my favourite one and it’s a Hornbeam tree it is old but it’s not a danger to anyone so there must be other alternatives
  • Like with the tree in the garden I don’t really want to make a whole post on it but I have a big question 

    firstly some might be interested in what it says cause it’s about Wildlife and conservation  but 2ndly Iv never responded to a reply to an mp about anything before do I have to present my name in a certain way

    Once I finish my reply to him or anything and How should I present my reply? 

  • . I acidently sent some screenshots with the same message as the previous one except with the next information to read underneath on the same screenshot on the next one. so Iv split the whole conversation into snipits to make it easier to read
  • Im thinking of replying now since mps are very busy and I havnt replyed yet.

    When I write my reply do I need to Put say regards or yours sincerely or just from and then my name. And do I have to put my name a certain way or anything?

    I just want to make sure I reply to the Wildlife and Conservation message the right way to a mp cause I havnt done it before.

  • I went went on holiday for Christmas and got lots of Christmas and birthday presents so I got lots of Wildlife and birdwatching presents I got D Flamethrower Binoculars, 30 to 60 with 7.2 field of view and 28x Smartphone telephoto monocular telescope I also went to Somerset to and went to a nature reserve and stayed for the night in Yarley there then I spent the rest of the week with my family until Saturday evening. I don’t know if you have seen  them or not but Im wondering if you want to see them 

  • Im just haveing trouble copying and pasting the links but Im trying.