Wildlife Christmas Holiday Part 1

Christmas Day (Hucclecote) 


The next day We celebrated my birthday the day before cause on my birthday We wont have time to open presents in the morning cause we have to get up really early cause we are going to see some people we have known for years and I’m going to stay for the night on my birthday, but I went out with Mum to choose a cake. I chose a Pokemon cake. 

after that I went to the car with Dad and while he charged the car up the sun was  big and low and made the sky glow and I saw some birds on the right side.  

Later on Before we left I saw earthshine

When we got back it was almost dark but I went outside to look out for some Wildlife and that’s where the story begins, 

The moon was shining brightly across the dark sky 

I did see a few Wildlife before it got dark and Dad gave me a hat with a light on it so I can see where Im going then went back in. I didn’t have the light on cause I didn’t want to scare the wildlife away. when it got dark I was unable to see as well but I could see the hedge 

And I know the gardens surroundings very well. I went and hid behind the hedge and waited to see if I could see any Wildlife. But I didn’t see any until now. I saw two stars I wanted to take a picture of but some some branches were in the way but formed a circle and I couldn’t get through any other way except through the branch and Im good st fitting through gaps so I fit through very well but my hat was baggy and had a bit that pointed abouve mt head so wasn’t touching it so suddenly the branch grabbed my hat like a hand and refused to let the hat go but cause the hat fit tightly on my head I couldn’t go forward without being pulled back unless I give up my hat. 

So I pushed my hat off my head and slipped underneath. Then I had to try to get the hat off the branch without

Being hit in the face by the thorns.  

I went to Mum and thought I’d try to make her laugh and said hey Mum guess what the branch is holding my hat like a hand. But she she didn’t find it funny and said go and get the hat now. But  never mind. 

So I went back and tryed to work out how to get the hat off again. It was very difficult. I switched the light on on the hat to see the hat better.  First out of humour  I asked if   it if it can give my hat back but it didn’t respond.  I decided to try to use a natural object from the ground like a stick to try and loosen its grip. But then I decided to use the stick and point it under the hat then pull the hat off. I decided to stand back and pulled with my other hand gently and backed away when it swung abit. So I finally got my hat back. 

After that I put my hat on and took a photo of one of the stars and watched the moon before I went back in 

We all sat together and ate some of my birthday cake and saved the rest for tomorrow. Then in the evening we watched a David Attenborough Documentary called the Green Plamet. Then the next day it was my birthday