Albino pheasant

Hello all 

I’ve spotted a albino pheasant this morning in the wood adjacent to annesley bypass, Nottingham.

Are they a rare sighting? 

also please could you confirm my sighting is an albino pheasant 

  • Too hard to tell without seeing it eyes for me.

    The pheasant could be leucistic – it has a partial loss of pigmentation.

    True albinos have pink eyes, birds suffering from leucism have dark eyes and white feathers that are patchily coloured.

    It could be a Pheasant which has escaped from a breeder’s collection rather than a wild bird.

    Maybe someone with more experience than me shall be of help ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I think Linda is right you certainly need to see the pink eye if it is an albino. It could be a bird from a collection or on some shoots they release white birds along with others they have bred. Apparently this is to help them locate and count the birds..


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can