Post your 2022 New Year Wishes

Wishing all my community friends a very Happy New Year. Hope

you all have good health and happiness and lots of

birding opportunities, looking forward to more pictures, posts 

and fun here in 2022. CL x

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • A new dawn, a new year, here's hoping for lots of cheer, for your stories and photos for 2022

    Happy New Year all.

  • Lovely cards Catlady and Mike and I wish you and all a very happy new year 2022



    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thank you for the beautiful card/calendar and lovely words Hazel, very best wishes to you and Mike, CL x

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Sending my good wishes to all for a happy and healthy new year.
  • Wishing everyone in the RSPB Community a Happy New Year and hope you all had a good Christmas.

    The bird in the card above is our friendly Robin and he's been in our garden for some time and has been taking live mealworms from the hand continuously since last March and raised two broods (all documented on my Bold Robin posts) and now appears to be flirting with a female Robin already.

    Best Wishes for a Happy New Year


  • Lovely Trevor, thanks for sharing your very confiding Robin.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Happy New Year everyone! I've been staying in the West Midlands staying with my cousin since the 23 December and returning home on Sunday 2nd January back to North East England! The photagraph above was taken in early December.! I'm going out shortly to some of my cousin’s friends and neighbours in about 30 minutes to bring in the New Year. Just taken a lateral flow test and again I'm ok! The above lake and photographed by me is in an area with houses on either side of this Lake called Killingworth Lake not far from Newcastle and since 2011/2012 Great Crested Grebes have bred/nested every year at this urban Lake. Sometimes 1 pair and sometimes 2 pairs of Great Crested Grebes!




    Happy memories from the New Years edition of The White Heather Club with Andy Stewart and was broadcast nationwide from the late 1950’s-early1960’s and was broadcast every year live from Scotland with regular series as well as at every New Year and was broadcast on BBC TV with this New Year Edition in 1963 and always broadcast live. But sadly only available in audio as the video was probably wiped clean. But happy memories!



  • Here's a rather wishful list of everything I'd like to see happen in this New Year:

    I'd like Boris to be officially certified as doolally and removed as PM;

    I'd like all of the foxhunters' hounds to go off chasing foxes and other animals and to start chasing foxhunters instead;

    I'd like all the driven grouse shooters to go off mass killing and take up photography;

    I'd like grey squirrels to be vulnerable to squirrel pox instead of red squirrels - then perhaps I might see reds in my garden in my lifetime;

    I'd love a wild goshawk to appear and give me repeated fly pasts until I have lots of beautiful photos of it;

    I'd like all of the hate, prejudice and abuse in the world to stop, overnight.

    Think that'll do for starters.  In the meantime I'm posting what is quite possibly the best photo I took last year:

    I got this stunning tern from the East Hide at Minsmere in July.  I love terns and I'm looking forward to their return!

    EDIT:  I want a permanent cure for Parkinson's to be found and made readily available and I want Limpy to be given painkillers that actually work without risking his premature death.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I hope that during 2022 that Minsmere arguably the best bird reserve in the UK of which I’ve only visited once in my lifetime as birdwatcher since 1958 that the possibility of a nuclear power station being built next to or close to Minsmere doesn't happen and a decision in 2022 is made politically that thia won’t happen. Otherwise as I’ve said to my birdwatching friends, is any wildlife area or beautiful countryside area safe in the UK. I just prey that, that happens and Minamere remains safe from any development. I just prey and hope!.

