Blue tits

Hi all, I have had a bird box in my garden now for a few years know with a camera in it but no look b,ut this year I have a blue tit nest in the box the blue tits have all fledged but one did remain and died, can I cleen it all out now the birds have gone I haven't seen the parents for 2 days. Thanks. 

  • Hi Si777; no you are not allowed under the Wildlife & Countryside Act to clean out a nest box until the end of breeding season, earliest is 1st August. It is always recommended that nest boxes are cleaned out in the early Autumn months and getting them back in situ by November as some birds would use them to roost in over winter, particularly if the weather is very cold. You are not allowed to empty out eggs, dead chicks or nesting until, preferably Autumn.    Hope this answers your question.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • This is great information thank you.