Blue tits hatching in Durham

After building their nest in a nestbox in my garden, the sound of little beaks was heard yesterday.

  • How lovely to see, soon they will fledge. When you stop to think about it, the wee babies have been in a box all those days with only mum and dad to feed them, inside the dark and light box is all they know, so to be able to look out, at what, what is all this I am seeing, must be so daunting and exciting all at once. When they then take that big step and fly out for the first time, well only they know how it feels, and hopefully we will be able to see yours Billy.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • This is probably the moment we've been waiting for - the chicks leaving the nest. It's all the chicks fledging, and is a longer video. We'll obviously continue to watch out for them, and try to support them over the year, but here's wishing the chicks a good life.

  • Awww, bless them, glad to see them fledge safely; had to laugh at the one landing on the twig nest to the box looking around and calling as if to say "what do I do now Momma " ? LOL Good luck little chicks and thanks for all the updates Billy, it's been wonderful to follow.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • The story is - the blue tits fledged (as did the great tits a couple of days later) and left the garden.

    Well, some of the family have came back, and some of the young birds have popped by to the feeders. Sometimes they're with a parent, and other times - such as the video took today - on their lonesome. It's a tale with a happy ending ...

    Here is short sequence I put together today.

  • Lovely to see the youngsters visiting the feeders, a happy ending indeed.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.