Puzzled by Blue tit

Hi, can anyone shed light on what's happening in my bird box please?,

we have had a blue tit sleeping in our bird box for a whole week now, it comes back same time every night 7.25pm (which i find quite amazing) but there is no nest, it's empty, and it just huddles up in a corner and sleeps till around 5.45am then leaves ..

does anyone know what's going on here?



  • Hello Lee, the smaller garden birds like blue tits will often use nest boxes to roost in overnight even if they don't use them for eventual nesting. It could be a case that this blue tit has found it's ideal location for nesting and is occupying it each night to prevent other blue tits/birds from taking possesion of the box. Give it a couple of weeks and it may surprise you by bringing in nesting materials, otherwise it simply likes the box with its safety to roost in overnight. Birds can be quite picky when choosing where to roost or nest and many will start using one box but then move on elsewhere, fingers crossed your little bird will decide to make a home there for its offspring. good luck.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Our blue tit kept coming back to one of the nest boxes every night and sleeping there - she was filling it up in the day with nesting materials, but may have been occupying the box for some time before that.

    I would use a rake on the lawn and put some put some piles of moss nearby. I'd also put a feeding station or two in the garden with things on blue tits like.
    Wouldn't do any harm to make the nest box occupy a high value locale with lots of nice things for her around.
  • I would suggest not putting bird feeders or other food too near any nest box site as you don't want to encourage predators to that area. It's a lovely time of year when the garden birds start laying and incubating eggs and other birds such as robin and blackbird maybe already having fledged youngsters. Not seen any in the garden yet but keeping a lookout; Blue tit chicks are one of the cutest looking fledglings with their fluffy yellow appearance and striking bandit mask !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thank you for the info Hazel, I'm hoping it eventually builds a nest that would be fantastic
  • Thanks Billy, I'll look into it
  • Ok thanks again for the help