Mystery bird song!

Hi all!

I am in dire need of some expert assistance, I have moved to a fabulously remote cottage, and the birds are out in force. Every day I am listening to a bird I have never heard before, and I have no idea how to start to identify it! Its call resembles to sound of a lorry reversing! The low pitched squawking kind, not the high pitched beep. Its not a Barn Owl, or any kind of Owl I don't think, and I hear it most of the day! Any ideas?!


  • Hi Claire, do have any means of making a recording on a mobile phone or perhaps a camera with a video function. If you can we can tell you how to post it on here. Otherwise I think we will struggle to guess what it might be.



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  • I have tried, but it seems whemever I stand outside, he (or she) must get stagefright! I will endevour to try.
  • Recommend you download the UK Bird Sounds App on your phone. Not only does it play alot of the birds, it also helps lure them to you for photographic purposes.
  • Thank you all for your comments, I have discovered the source of the mystery bird! Its a Pheasant! Probably in the plural.

    Kind regards
  • Thanks for the feedback, Claire. It's always good to know what it was even if we were unable to help. I must admit I wouldn't have guessed never having heard a truck make a reversing call like a Pheasant. LOL

    Jill F said:
    Recommend you download the UK Bird Sounds App on your phone. Not only does it play alot of the birds, it also helps lure them to you for photographic purposes.

    Jill, it's not recommended that you lure birds out by playing their calls during the breeding season. It can cause them distress when they need their energy for other things. 



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