Bird sound like a car alarm!


i wondered if anyone could identify what the bird audio is in the video please - sounds a bit like a car alarm but I promise you it isn’t!

It’s  on the edge of a wood in Derbyshire. 


  • Is it possible for you to easily listen for it again at some point? There's an app called BirdUp which, at least for me, is quite good at identifying bird calls. (You can use it free for a month.) It's also quite fun to record your garden for a few minutes when lots of birds are singing. It helped me realise we had a couple of dunnocks visiting, not house sparrows too :)

    Maybe could be a Song Thrush....
  • Hi Mickeyd, have you got a longer clip as it's so short it's rather hard to make it out? You won't be able to post it here because there's a 4Mb limit But you could put it on YouTube and put the link on here.

    I've tried to amplify the sound so that others can hear it more easily but of course it magnifies the background noise as well but anyway ..................



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