Swifts attacking our House martins nest

Our House Martins are being attacked every day by two swifts.

They try to get into the house where there is definitely a family of house martins that have either just hatched or are about to hatch their second brood.

Is this normal behaviour?

  • Thank you Alan!

    The House Martins are looking to move to the back of the house as well but I think swift and house martin boxes are definitely a plan for next year. Thank you!


  • Hi Denman.The non-breeding Swifts (as Alan says) have just returned to my breeding colony.They are just sussing out future accommodation and they start at the site of their birth or as close to that place as possible.It`s a bit like musical chairs here,the young `uns hoping that the parents of others fail in making the return trip and that there`ll be enough room for themselves next year. For all I know,they may see your Martins as squatters on their patch. :-)  I am lucky in that there are plenty of spaces here.The colony is only growing slowly due to the demise (for whatever reason) of the parents.I thus have a happy equilbrium here -Which pleases me no end after the shocking year they suffered last year.

    I`m a bit Swift obsessed btw.....and would always take their side.If they have decided to take on your property for the 1st time....Get some boxes up...I`ll pay...I`l put them up 4 u....I`ll buy the swift cd... cook your tea... House Martins use boxes too but are pretty adaptable.They`ll make their own sticky -on ones or use any space under the eaves.

    Swifts just use the gaps under the eaves.Its a shame that we`ve lost a lot of old industrial buidings round here...The birds have lost their homes & new buildings just dont provide the space...Unless we give a helping hand......Hmmm...I`ll pay for Martin boxes too etc.etc. ;-)



  • I love swifts and we have 3 pairs that nest under our eaves on one side of our home which is very tall.On the other side house martins have their mud nests.They all return each year but this year the swifts are mobbing the house martand trying to get into their nests.Never seen this before and I hate to see them fighting 

  • Assuming you don't have house sparrows too, are you able to put up swift nest boxes? 3 pairs is a lot, and if they breed successfully each year, they may have run out of nest sites. To be fair, martins can gang up on swifts too, so mobbing can work both ways. Depends on numbers probably.

  • Actually we do have house sparrows and I think they've nested where swifts usually do so they won't be happy about that.Cant do boxes but anyway it looks like the swifts have sorted out their sites now.