Please help!

  • Hello, sorry if I’ve posted this in the wrong place I’m in a bit of a rush. Found a female duck/ducklings in our garden this morning. By 4pm all gone but could still hear a duckling. Turns out it was trapped behind some fence panels; we’ve freed it and got it in a lined box with water. Looks like we’ve got it overnight now so any help and advice would be most welcome please! 
  • The only thing I can suggest is to keep a look out for mum and dad, they may still be around and are looking for the duckling. Do you have a wildlife or rescue centre near you, that can offer help and advice.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thank you so much, the mum left with all the other babies earlier this afternoon - no sign since. We did walk down to the river with the duckling to see if we could find them but no luck. I’ll ring someone first thing tomorrow - no one is open to answer my call now unfortunately.
  • Hello Gem,     first I would suggest you ensure that the mother duck has left with the other ducklings and hasn't returned.      If the mother has definitely disappeared with the other chicks then you may need to find a professional rescue centre to take in the duckling as it will need specialist care especially if it is very young.     Don't be tempted to take it to the nearest body of water where there are ducks in order to release it back to the wild as other female ducks may attack the duckling as they don't welcome orphans from another parent.      Without knowing where the mother of this duckling is you wouldn't be able to release it as it won't be able to look after itself and needs its mother to protect and nuture it.     Therefore,  I would try find a wildlife centre to take it if you are certain the mother duck is not nearby and likely to return.        Try this link to find a local rescue centre.    You could also try phoning them to ask for advice on how to care for the duckling prior to handing it over to the professionals.     Bear in mind that at this time of year many rescue centres are overun with orphans, casualties, etc...     but I'm sure they can give you sound advice on what to do.      Good luck.    

    x post with Catlady  

    post edit;  more info although not necessary a UK website but it gives general guidance for ducklings which may help    HERE


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hazel thank you, really helpful advice. I keep checking the pond area to see if mum has come back but no luck so far. I’ve followed the link to find my local wildlife rescue centre so I’ll call them first thing tomorrow morning. Any suggestions on how to keep it comfortable overnight? Currently in a box lined with a towel, wool tea cosy to snuggle up to if it gets cold. Shallow dish of water and another dish with peas/watery cereal in.
  • Sounds as if you have done a great job Gem, the duckling just needs to be kept warm as you have already organised with the towel in the box and even its own tea cosy to snuggle up to ! just make sure its only a tiny dish with just enough water for it to drink and peas/cereal sound ok; if you had dried mealworms for birds you could have soaked some of those but the duckling should be fine for the night, fingers crossed. Well done; just keep an eye out in the morning in case the mother duck is around and hopefully you will be able to find a rescue centre for it or at least telephone them for advice. Let us know how you get on when you get time, thanks.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hello Hazy - just thought I’d let you know the little duckling was fine overnight...I spoke to someone at the waterfowl sanctuary near me first thing this morning and we’re taking Ducko over there in a couple of hours. He’s currently having a nap on the tea cosy! I bought him some chick crumb and he’s been eating peas as well. Thank you so much for all your help and advice!

  • Just catching up again and what a lovely update Gem and so pleased to hear the duckling is doing well and that you were taking it to the waterfowl sanctuary this afternoon. Once again, well done for all your efforts, it's good to have a happy outcome. Lovely photo of Ducko and its tea cosy,  mallard ducklings are so beautiful   !!


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Well done on looking after wee Ducko Gem, good to have a happy outcome.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.