New Binos for around £200?

Hi all,

After receiving a refund from Mr Taxman (woohoo!) I have decided to buy a new pair of binos.  I have around £200-£250 to spend and just wondered if anyone has any recommendations?  I've had a look at Bushnell, Viking and Vanguard but really haven't got a clue.

Any help greatly appreciated!



  • Hi Seymour,

    Thanks for the great advice.  There are a couple of shops that I have found in Leeds, Harrogate and an In Focus in Denby Dale which I am going to try at the weekend.  I am keen on the Opticron though from Craigs advice and the reviews do rave on about it.

    Maybe by the weekend I will have a new pair....yiipppeee!!

    Thanks again



    and remember-

    get a BUNGEEEE strap :)


    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Have you tried Clearview at  Newmiller Dam. We bought our scope from them and he is VERY helpful and lets you try anything and everything.

  • Well thanks all for your advice.  I am now the proud owner of a pair of Opticron Countryman thanks to all your advice.  I tried a few pair and they seemed the best for the price (managed to get them price matched at £209 for the 10x42).  I even think they are better than my husbands Hawke Frontiers (but don't tell him!)

    Unfortunately, due to a drunken fall (eek!), I haven't been able to use them properly (just been watching the mistle thrushes from the garden) but hopefully I'll be out and about with them this weekend!

    Thanks again

  • Best Compact Binoculars Under $200, Lightweight & Inexpensive
    Hunting and birding are exciting full-time sports, and people take them very seriously. If you are preparing yourself for the upcoming season, you need to equip yourself with the best compact binoculars under $200. Unfortunately, finding the best budget compact binoculars is not easy without compromising on the key features. Still, I have resolved this riddle on your behalf by gathering the top-notch binoculars in this article.
  • I seem to have overlooked this one, and I/m more than sure you'll enjoy using your new Opticron binoculars.

    I have and like my Nikon Travelite binoculars, they're given almost 20 years of sterling service in all weathers, rain, hail, snow, sun and out on moorland, up mountains and more recently, wildlife reserves, waterproof and though retired, all that is wrong is the eye cups became dislodged around a year ago, so they're in the kitchen by the window, eye cups glued in place and great to watch the garden activity.

    They're replacement, yes, another pair of Nikon Travelites, even though lack the performance of the big scopes, they are a nice size and available as 8x25 or 10x25.

    Happy birding and we look forward to reading your exploits. Thumbsup