
We are very excited here in Islington as this week we've seen a flock of a dozen or so waxwings in the local park and around the area. We are in the middle of London 10 minutes walk from Kings Cross and we've never seen them before. Is this a good year for seeing waxwings? The RSPB says only 100 overwinter here but how many visit? 

  • Well done Grace, what a terrific sight;    I have been out three times this week to try spot some that were in our local area but no success so far although I did see around 8 a couple of months back in a nature reserve.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi Grace, this is an exceptional year when a good few thousand birds have found their way here, owing to a shortage of food in their traditional home areas of Scandinavia and Siberia.

    We've all been scrambling around after them, making hay while the sun shines!