Can I offer a book to lend to people on here?

I've got a really nice nature book that I've finished with that I'd love to be able to pass on to someone else that is interested.  Can I mention it on here?  I'm not sure it would sell if I donated it to a charity shop and I definetly don't want to throw it away!





I'm not bald. I've just got ingrowing hair!

  • I guess if there's a problem this post will soon be removed but if anyone wants Jon Lister-Kay's (sp) At The Water's Edge then please let me know.

    That's as long as my other half hasn't thrown it out.  I put it up somewhere safe earlier and its not there now hence my guess at the spelling!

    I'm not bald. I've just got ingrowing hair!

  • Thanks Alan,

    I suppose its no different to me giving a book to a charity shop and them selling it on.  Just feels a bit like I am advertising at the expense of the publishers in some ways.  

    Second time this week I've been worried about forum rules - hopefully won't I won't have a similar query for a while!



    I'm not bald. I've just got ingrowing hair!

  • Yeah a good idea thanks.  Its a really nice book and I'd love to give it to a like minded person though I've no idea where Zara has put it now!  

    I'm not bald. I've just got ingrowing hair!